Well, Fuck

[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Ninety One]

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

In case you’re wondering why the United States just exploded again, “On September 23, 2020, a state grand jury indicted Brett Hankison on three counts of wanton endangerment for his actions that led to the near-death situation in Napper’s apartment. The two other officers involved in the raid were not indicted, and while Hankison was indicted for his actions during the Breonna Taylor raid, he was not indicted for Taylor’s death specifically.[17]

But first the news:

Oh, and Trump says there will ignore the ballots if he loses the election.

This is, of course, right after Ruth Bader Ginsberg died. Which means the White House could put a sixth conservative in the Supreme Court guaranteeing quite a few years of conservative ruling from America’s highest court.

I had other things to talk about today, but at this point I just want to go do yoga, meditate, and self care because the alternative is to freak the fuck out about my friends and family still in the States.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here screaming into the void.


