Author: rainleander
Tonight! Escape Room! Star Wars!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty Five] And, while normally, I’d post this before the stream, but I’m posting it after and … #DrumRollPlease We got out! Or, in the case of UNLOCK! Star Wars Imperial Agents, we got the crystals. But first the news: Appeal court says curfew is justified, state can refer…
This is Not the NATO Alphabet You’re Looking For
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty Four] The International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet or the ICAO phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used radiotelephone spelling alphabet. The ITU phonetic alphabet and figure code is a variant. I’m sick of having that damn thing crammed down my throat and so in the interest of chaos, mayhem, and…
Is Resistance A Thing?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty Three] How do you conquer it? Or embrace it? Or…? There are several books that talk about it, but one full on talks about it as a massive dragon and you are the knight and it’s time to do battle, and that’s Do The Work by Steven Pressfield…
A Clean House Is A Clean Mind
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty Two] There is an INCREDIBLE amount of construction happening at our house for the past few months and by INCREDIBLE I mean, it’s enough to intrude upon my mental well being. #GrindsTeeth #DAMNIT But when it’s done, we’ll have an amazing new top floor, an updated full bathroom,…
Hacktoberfest Unboxing!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty One] Tomorrow morning!0930 GMT+1 Central European Time!On YouTube and Twitch and Twitter and Facebook! I’mma unbox my Hacktoberfest thank you package !! ! But first the news: Coronavirus cases increased by 19% in last week, vaccines starting to work Amsterdam losing popularity in pandemic Coronavirus press conference: Some…
Were You Born That Way?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty] Deborah Siegel, gender scholar and mother of boy/girl twins, brings to life key research about the gendering of childhood in the earliest years of life. Taking us through a personal journey peppered with blunders and epiphanies, she challenges us to move beyond pink and blue and learn something…
Still Feeling Super Weird
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Nine] So I did some shopping therapy. Logical things that I totally need, sure, but also Dr. Martens. But first the news: Curfew may be extended for three more weeks, sources tell NOS Covid-19 infections on the rise; highest 7-day average since February 3 Thousands register for coronavirus-proof…
No Escape Room Tonight
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Eight] Cause I need an escape. Or something. I know I know – most of you didn’t even know I did this – every Saturday night I do an escape room live on a stream via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch, but I’m just not feelin’ it. But…
“What’s Wrong, Leander?”
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven] …I don’t know…. Then why do I feel like I’m forgetting something. Avoiding something? Procrastinating? ….gently depressed? But first the news: Coronavirus hits international community hard; jobs and income under threat No excess mortality for first time since September With the appeal looming, Dutch government makes final…
If You Build It, They Will Come
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Six] True to my word, I set up an open source repository, an awesome list of nonbinary resources yesterday morning. Throughout the day yesterday and today I added the resources I could personally vouch for and, although, there are some blogs / facebook pages which are officially…
If It Doesn’t Exist, Build It
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Five] I mentioned this briefly in the video I did for The Gender Tag Project – that I went looking for resources for nonbinary people – especially around education / support / close friends – and couldn’t find much. Therefore, I’m going to compile an awesome list of…
How Is It Only Tuesday?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Four] Yesterday felt like one of the longest in the world – a single twenty four hour period lasted days and days – mostly because all three children were home in the morning and only one managed to get into emergency daycare for the afternoon. We are so…