Author: rainleander
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Six
“It’s all about perspective, eh?”
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Five
“I mean, sure, I could be CHEEKY, BUTT that would be SHITTY and I don’t wanna be an ASSHOLE” #DoYaSmellWhatImSteppinIn
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Four
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Three
“Tonight’s #HelloFresh meal was farfalle in cream sauce of sun dried tomato and eggplant.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Two
“ALL three of the children decided to party / howl / talk / play until WAY past their bedtimes.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty One
“It’s been a little over four weeks. And it’s going to be who knows how many more.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty
“I want to know what you’re thinking, Warriors. Are you okay? How are you coping? Are you doing better than me? What is your secret?”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Nine
“We’ve hit the four week mark, officially, of this lock down thing here in the Netherlands. This week and next are officially on lockdown as well. And then?”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Eight
“Here’s where I admit that I COMPLETELY MISSED ALL of Doctor Who season twelve.” #GeekCardRevoked
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Seven
“Sure, we’re not crying on the outside, but we’re definitely howling on the inside.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Six
“I’m fairly sure today’s symptoms are all simply physical manifestations of stress.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Five
Today was an extreme day. A migraine exploded behind one eye. I took meds and went to bed. Slept five hours. Woke up. It was gone. But first the news: What will a 1.5 metre society look like? ‘ZERO CHANCE’ LIFE WILL RETURN TO NORMAL AFTER APR. 28 Dutch companies are to make millions of…