Category: Dancing Engineer

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Eight

    “There was also a SPEAR that went through the center from top through to stick out of the bottom.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Six

    “It’s all about perspective, eh?”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Five

    “I mean, sure, I could be CHEEKY, BUTT that would be SHITTY and I don’t wanna be an ASSHOLE” #DoYaSmellWhatImSteppinIn

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Two

    “And there’s another side to it. Maybe. Is that maybe the reason I want to hug so badly? Is because WE’RE NOT ALLOWED.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Fifteen

    “Two WEEKS, Warriors. Is it starting to feel ‘normal’ for you? I think it might be for me? Maybe?”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Nine

    “I had to pull up the last post to see what today’s title is cause that’s where we are now. I’m only surprised it took nine days and not, say, three.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Eight

    Alt Title: “This Roller Coaster Fucking Sucks” Strap in, Warriors, this one’s a doozy. First, awesome news! Cause we always start with awesome news? No, cause this roller coaster is SEQUENTIAL. Yay, news from the daycare! I’ll admit, I winced. There have been SO MANY SHITTY EMAILS from so many places with updates around the…

  • What is Your Armageddon Agenda?

    I just figured something out. I’m slow sometimes. #PBBT At a certain time, people started scolding me whenever I would shake their hands, but they would scold me with a dash of embarrassment and humour. Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte accidentally shakes the hand of a health official after announcing a "no handshake policy". Video:…

  • Check This Out: Wash Your Lyrics

    WashYourLyrics.Com made by the badass William @neoncloth and totally not affiliated with the NHS or any other government body.

  • FYI – A Is The Oldest Child

    There are always ‘puzzles’ and looming #ToDos on the horizon wearing us down and sticking in the back of the brain and it all boils down to not prioritizing it.

  • New Habits Are Hard

    There are a few things I consider more important than taking care of someone else – brushing my teeth, showering, sleeping, health, yin yoga, walking outside, exercise, eating, meditation, plenty of english breakfast tea with a ton of milk, and at least one small round of Swedish, Japanese and Dutch every single day.

  • It Pours

    I completely didn’t write yesterday. I remembered, but then I forgot. That’s how it works sometimes. But I wrote today and published not one, but TWO articles. #WhenItRains WAIT Did I just find my hashtag?!? Holy shit! ASIDE: I once heard a podcast wherein the person said that they were asked to sift through all…