Category: Dancing Engineer

  • There are Many Paths – This is Just One

    When choosing to respond to events, both negative or positive, because, yes, it’s a choice – we are not animals driven by instinct, but people with intellect and experience and #CHOICES – when that moment comes, you have infinite choices. Perhaps, yes, you can let emotions drive, resulting in variable reactions and while, yes, I…

  • Oh, Hello There, World

    At some point I was writing and posting every single day. Go, me! Because I heard Seth Godin talk about it on NPR or somewhere at some point – to write every day – and it resonated. So I did. Mostly. Except then was hacked. Stripped. No backup.

  • Call For Outreachy Mentors

    Outreachy is looking for open source communities to provide mentors for their internship program. Community members should sign up to participate by February 18.

  • Let’s Get To Know One Another

    I’ve heard of these referred as “Chinese Portrait”, but I can’t find the historical relevance or etymology which makes me think that it doesn’t come from Chinese ancestry at all. Does anyone know?

  • Soothes The Savage Beast #AMIRITE

    …my brain has particularly been focused on music lately because, for example, Spotify was totally one of the sponsors at DevRelCon London 2019. Which is totally badass, right? #MUSIC

  • Workin’ NINE to FIVE. What A Way To Make A Livin’!

    Red Hat was everything I’d ever wanted and I didn’t care about the money – I was doing what I loved. Also my partner and I didn’t have any children and our student loans were reasonable.

  • That’s My Secret, Cap. I’m Always Angry.

    After that last post, going through security and passport control, and walking ten forevers to get to the gate, I’ve had a low grade fever without the exhaustion. Which tells me I’m having a hot flash. One of the longer lasting ones, sure, but still a hot flash.

  • Guess Who’s Back! Back AGAIN!

    Someone wise once said there’s a difference between transparent and naked – aim for open, but avoid complete exposure.

  • Psst… You Wanna Hear A Secret?

    I’ve been keeping a lot of things on the downlow lately for various reasons. And it’s time to let all the cats out of all the bags.

  • DevRelCon London Diversity Opportunities

    The Google Open Source Programs office is funding THIRTY places for people from under-represented groups to attend DevRelCon London 2019.

  • Common Pitfalls & Labyrinths: A DevRel Choose Your Own Adventure

    You’ve arrived at a crossroads. Do you turn left or right? Just like the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, in this talk, the audience will decide which path to take through the jungle of common DevRel pitfalls and labyrinths, led by their experienced tour guides: Jeremy Meiss, Mary Thengvall, and yours truly!

  • PyCon Sweden 2019 Wants YOU!

    PyCon Sweden is happening again and they want you to speak! Thanks to the great response last year, PyCon Sweden is back AGAIN. It will be TWO full days of talks, activities and fun. The conference is October 31st and November 1st at Munchenbryggeriet in Stockholm. If you are not based in Stockholm, it’s a…