Category: Fierce Creature

  • Hacktoberfest Unboxing!

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty One] Tomorrow morning!0930 GMT+1 Central European Time!On YouTube and Twitch and Twitter and Facebook! I’mma unbox my Hacktoberfest thank you package !! ! But first the news: Coronavirus cases increased by 19% in last week, vaccines starting to work Amsterdam losing popularity in pandemic Coronavirus press conference: Some…

  • Were You Born That Way?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Forty] Deborah Siegel, gender scholar and mother of boy/girl twins, brings to life key research about the gendering of childhood in the earliest years of life. Taking us through a personal journey peppered with blunders and epiphanies, she challenges us to move beyond pink and blue and learn something…

  • Still Feeling Super Weird

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Nine] So I did some shopping therapy. Logical things that I totally need, sure, but also Dr. Martens. But first the news: Curfew may be extended for three more weeks, sources tell NOS Covid-19 infections on the rise; highest 7-day average since February 3 Thousands register for coronavirus-proof…

  • No Escape Room Tonight

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Eight] Cause I need an escape. Or something. I know I know – most of you didn’t even know I did this – every Saturday night I do an escape room live on a stream via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch, but I’m just not feelin’ it. But…

  • “What’s Wrong, Leander?”

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven] …I don’t know…. Then why do I feel like I’m forgetting something. Avoiding something? Procrastinating? ….gently depressed? But first the news: Coronavirus hits international community hard; jobs and income under threat No excess mortality for first time since September With the appeal looming, Dutch government makes final…

  • If You Build It, They Will Come

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Six] True to my word, I set up an open source repository, an awesome list of nonbinary resources yesterday morning. Throughout the day yesterday and today I added the resources I could personally vouch for and, although, there are some blogs / facebook pages which are officially…

  • If It Doesn’t Exist, Build It

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Five] I mentioned this briefly in the video I did for The Gender Tag Project – that I went looking for resources for nonbinary people – especially around education / support / close friends – and couldn’t find much. Therefore, I’m going to compile an awesome list of…

  • How Is It Only Tuesday?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Four] Yesterday felt like one of the longest in the world – a single twenty four hour period lasted days and days – mostly because all three children were home in the morning and only one managed to get into emergency daycare for the afternoon. We are so…

  • Due To Ice, Everything Is Closed

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Three] This time it’s not just school, but also daycares, at least until one o’clock. Help! But first the news: Dutch hospitals studying Covid vaccines effectiveness in cancer patients Schools, Covid test centers closed due to weather alarm How to understand and integrate into Dutch society during a…

  • Woke Up With a Sore Throat and a Fever

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Two] Happy Valentine’s, eh? Thanks to my incredible partner, I slept until one and when I woke up, the throat was less painful and the fever was gone. And I was starving. Thx, P! But first the news: Coronavirus breath testing stopped after several false negatives: RTL Covid-19…

  • And Now We’re Healing

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty One] I had a massive misunderstanding with a close friend. Around being nonbinary. Around using the they / them pronouns. And we didn’t listen to one another for days. And then we finally did. But first the news: A pandemic, an environmental problem and a creative solution Seven-day…

  • It’s A Lot

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty] Once upon a time in a land far away two ghosts fought their way to one another to find happiness and lived happily ever after. But first the news: Dutch start using AstraZeneca vaccine, family doctors now come on board Rutte cautions Dutch to enjoy ice skating with…