Category: Fierce Creature

  • The Gender Tag Project

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Nine] The Gender Tag Project is a YouTube “tag” video that encourages individuals to answer a set of ten prompts relating to their experience with gender in the form of a YouTube video. But first the news: Loneliness, lack of motivation are major problems for students Tens of thousands…

  • Living As A Non-Binary Person In A Binary World

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Eight] This TedX Talk is from 2017. And still completely relevant. But first the news: Vaccine delivery rules tightened up after volunteer caterer used his van More privacy risks in GGD coronavirus systems: report Parliament supports extension of coronavirus curfew A talk addressing the hardships and obstacles facing…

  • Like A Little Bug Under A Big Shoe

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Seven] I’m just … tired. I’m waiting on someone else. To move forward. To mend. To heal. And the longer it takes, the smaller I feel. But first the news: Inspectorate wants stricter conditions for transporting Covid vaccines Mayors, police support curfew extension Vaccine waste in the Netherlands:…

  • Still Shitty, But Still Optimistic

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Six] But first the news: Bad weather shuts coronavirus test centres, cases sharply down Fifteen elderly died within days of receiving a Covid-19 vaccination Dutch government extends coronavirus curfew to March 2

  • Due To The Snow, Everything Is Closed

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Five] Well, frak. But first the news: Positive coronavirus tests top one million, but daily total is down slightly Demonstrations formed in Maastricht and Amsterdam despite bitter cold 3,963 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday; Seven-day average down by eight percent

  • Big Breath IN. Big Breath OUT. Repeat.

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Four] But first the news: Slight rise in positive coronavirus cases, IC patient total dips below 600 Children with a runny nose should stay at home says OMT Eurovision organisers remain optimistic yet realistic about event in May

  • Everybody Hurts

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Three] But first the news: Outage left elderly waiting out in the cold at Schiphol vaccine location Covid hospital total hits 7-week low, but infections rising; 496K vaccinated Dutch government and OMT discuss extending coronavirus curfew

  • Let Me Clarify – I’ll BE Okay, I Swear

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty Two] Something something something personal stuff vague posting something. But first the news: Ministers working on plans to extend the curfew, encourage more home working Coronavirus average dips below 4,000; Over 450K vaccinated Health council: Businesses can refuse entry to unvaccinated people I’m not okay right now. I’ll…

  • I’m Doing Okay, I Swear

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty One] Mostly. No one’s throwing up. Or otherwise sick. But. The construction in our house has gone up a few notches and suddenly there’s four construction workers for two days in a row now and while we’ve got a kitchen with a new stove, microwave / oven, and…

  • And Now It’s First Minion’s Turn

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty] “PAPAAAA!! !” This morning. At one in the morning. I have never been so happy to be second pick. First Minion threw up in bed and called out for the one he wanted to come rescue him from all the grossness. And that person was Not Me. But…

  • “But I Feel Sick”

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Nineteen] “But I have stomach pain.” The twins have figured out how to lie. By saying they’re sick. When they don’t want to do something. Touche, Universe. But first the news: Curfew will be lifted if positive tests continue to decline: NOS Petition to only open schools after teachers…

  • So Say We All

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighteen] Grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,and Wisdom to know the difference. But first the news: 226,298 residents in the Netherlands have now been vaccinated Employees paying large sums for work-from-home equipment Outbreak team tells Dutch government to reopen…