Category: Fierce Creature
Not Anger Management, But Anger Acceptance
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Eight] I have had some very intense conversations over the past four days – two yesterday – about how angry I’ve been and I’d just like to thank my boss, my personal trainer, my life coach and my boss very much. Because I think I’ve figured this shit…
And Now For A Moment Of Zen
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Six] I don’t know why this post seemed impossible on Tuesday night and seems like nothing today, but here we are. But first the news: Dairy giant FrieslandCampina to cut 1,000 jobs in NL, Belgium and Germany De Jonge: No new coronavirus measures for now; Lockdown relaxation in…
Damnit, Underlying Anger, Fuck OFF
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Five] It’s four minutes until my bedtime and I just found out from the news that St. Martin’s holiday is off because of the partial lockdown. #FuckingFUCK But first the news: First large-scale rapid coronavirus test facility opens in Groningen New coronavirus cases plunge below 5,000, regional curfew…
It’s Times Like These You Learn to Live Again
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Four]
Star Wars! Tonight!! !
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Three] If you haven’t already, I would absolutely LOVE twenty-eight more subscribers on my channel which is currently but which I would love to get a vanity link which I can only get if I have one HUNDRED beautiful fabulous EXQUISITE subscribers. I’m looking at you, Facebook…
Does It Spark Joy?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Two] Yes, I voted weeks ago via absentee ballot. Yes, I confirmed the ballot was accepted. Yes, we should throw out the electoral college. But first the news: New coronavirus cases rise slightly, but hospital admissions fall again Twenty large coronavirus test centers announced; Amsterdam to get 5…
Who Else Is Ready To Puke?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty One] It was super easy to wake up this morning as well. As a matter of fact, I woke up at five, consciously decided to go back to sleep, and COULD NOT. And I’ve spent the last hour or so staring at CNN and the Associated Press observing…
How’re We Doing, Warriors?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty] I’m up at a few minutes before 0500, easily ripped out of bed to see results and, yeah, I see lots of undecideds, which, yeah, is totally understandable and predictable and still disappointing. But first the DUTCH COVID news: Tougher coronavirus rules for two weeks, and Rotterdam may…
So. Much. Phlegm.
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Nine] Yesterday P and I woke up and he whimpered and I did almost all of the morning rush hour myself and then we drove the kids to school / daycare and I made him get a COVID test and the q-tip made him bleed. Today P and…
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Eight] Tomorrow night the Dutch PM is most likely going to announce stricter lockdown measurements in response to the still too incredibly high COVID numbers in the Netherlands. But first the news: Museum and theatre closures on the cards as ministers discuss new coronavirus measures Coronavirus infections fall…
Oke, But Seriously, You’ve Voted, Right?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Seven] Yes, like, three weeks ago or so? I should probably do that thing where I make sure it actually went through, eh? But first the news: ha ha j/k it’s Sunday This weekend I’m doing GISH and, if I’m honest, I can’t even.
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Six] The first year we moved here I found out very early on that Halloween is not a thing here in the Netherlands and so I arranged a Zombie Pub Crawl. We ended up with five pubs involved, starting at one that was large, bright, and quiet enough…