Category: Fierce Creature
UNLOCK! The Night of the Boogeymen #LiveStream
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Two] Tonight I escaped Space Cowboy’s The Night of the Boogeymen UNLOCK! #EscapeRoom game. Sorta.
Oh, AirCo, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty One] Can’t talk. There’s an AirCo.
It’s Still HOT But!
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty] We have another AIRCO!! !
It’s HOT
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Nine] My brain’s melting.
How Was Your Vacation?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Eight] I did some branding thingsess; wanna see?
Streaming and Vlogging and Posts, Oh MY
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Seven] Totally forgot to stream. And vlog. And I’m asking for your help to get back on track. Please?
So We Bought A Pool
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Six] There are a million things that I wanted to tackle this week while on vacation but as of Friday I just… stopped… doing things.
Am I a Creator? Or a Sage? Why Not Both?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Five] I’m figuring out my brand this week! Wh00!! !
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Four] The other day the life coach said to me AND I QUOTE, “You’re so technical, I want you to do this writing exercise to tap more into your creative side.” #FuckTHAT
What Is My Brand?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Three] Affirming the chameleon.
Now With Actual For Realsies Real Titles
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Two] Happy birthday, P. xoxo ~r.
Escape Room: Enigmati-c-aper Puzzle Room
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty One] Doing a live stream at night isn’t so exhausting in the moment, but afterwards, yeah, I could go to bed NOW.