Category: Fierce Creature
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Three
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty One
Literally JUST NOW everything was shipped back to Red Hat, to the RDO Community, and to colleagues. And I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself.
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty
I don’t how I feel right now. And I don’t know how much different it would be if the pandemic weren’t also a factor. And I don’t know if that matters.
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Nine
I cut my hair. Wanna see?
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Eight
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go weigh these boxes, set up the shipping requests, inhale some avocado toast, and take a long walk outside with a playlist that includes Lady Gaga, Coldplay, and Adele.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Seven
“The good news is that they’re starting to normalize and be … less? Less shocking. Less awful. Less nightmarish.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Six
Alternative Title: Happy Mothers’ Day, Warriors!
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Five
“Sometimes things come together and sometimes they don’t and when they don’t, that is the moment to accept the things you cannot change.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Four
“It seems like more and more escape rooms and building online options that range in price from free to donation to reasonably cheap to ghastly expensive. I’m exploring the options out there to see what’s entertaining, valuable and especially team building.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Three
“Alternative Title: So Long Farewell Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Two
“I was totally going to write about one thing today and then I saw the Dutch press conference and now I’m eating my third candy bar cause I need the chocolate to take the panic away.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty One
“I just finished N. K. Jemisin’s The City We Became and I’m absolutely in love.”