Category: Fierce Creature

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty

    #MayTheFourthBeWithYou And, just like that, it’s been seven weeks. Also, like a ship passing quietly in the night, the one month anniversary of writing every single day passed a WHILE ago, but it just occurred to me today. Cause that’s where we are these days. But first the news: The Dutch will remember their war…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Nine

    It’s all so SHIT that little bitty half wins? Those are #WINNING

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Eight

    “Yesterday I ended up playing with technology and working a bit even though I was supposed to be on vacation, but there were some great conversations and I have no regrets.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Seven

    “I don’t really have a solution, here; I’m more just venting.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Six

    “If you know me pre-COVID, you know that I’m a bit of an Escape Room Addict and my friends are here to enable me so as soon as they started seeing virtual escape rooms, I started getting links.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Five

    I know. You’re just here to see the #GiraffePicture

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Four


  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Three

    The Minions are headed back to BSO / daycare / school next week and the looming deadline is taking its toll on the oldest. OR it’s a full moon or something. OR he just doesn’t like King’s Day. #PoorLittle But first the news: King’s Day from your couch – our step by step guide Mayors…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Two

    True to my word, I GISH’d today AND did Just One Thing ™ but in doing that one thing, I earned the team seventy EIGHT points. #FLEX And, although I can’t post the resulting video nor the result, I can tell you that it involved a five year old, scissors, and lots of JOY. But…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty One

    Please hold, it’s time for GISH. I was just about to head to bed, I forgot it started tonight at 2100 local. And then, I thought, shit, I have to post. #DAMNIT And then when I got online I remembered GISH. I’ve literally read ONLY THREE ITEMS and, well, sleep will be difficult now. #DoubleDAMNIT…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Forty

    “I’ve been fairly consistent for two whole weeks (or is it a million years? #SameThing) of walking every single day and for the past few days, I’ve even been trying to walk TO THE BEAT.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Nine

    “While there’s no dedicated ‘booth’ / chat room for RDO / TripleO / PackStack but I’ll be in the community rooms representin’ and advocatin’.”