Category: Fierce Creature

  • Big Breath In. Big Breath Out. Repeat.

    TL;DR my mother’s mother is on home hospice. My daughter is named after her. So I’m grabbing girl twin and running to the States to introduce them and say goodbye. It’s intense.

  • So I Ran Over to Brno And Then

    I died. But then I got better. Almost.

  • No Headaches, Yet, But

    In a surreal twist of something, there was a rather large tour from Japan on the ass o’clock in the morning flight from AMS to PRG and most of them spoke not a single word of English, but, somehow, one of them had been assigned to the emergency row right behind me, so when the…

  • Passing The Torch Without Dropping The Ball

    And I was like, “That’s cool,” and my boss says it’s cool, everyone said it was cool, except that my uterus said that’s Not Cool because we’re going to have twins now.

  • I Have An Office!

    When we found out we were pregnant with twins, among the plethora of stressors was that we’d need to remodel our house extensively to make it work once said twins were old enough to want their own spaces. This is YEARS in the future, but it was still right there with all the other OMG…

  • And I’m Still A Bit Sick, If I’m Honest

    So I’m totally back publishing this post to Tuesday, cause, DAMNIT, I was sick. And not just me – the entire family – all five of us – has a cold that’s just enough that on Monday after I went to the gym, I was literally falling down dizzy. YAY!

  • Step Zero: Schedule Your First Event

    Whether you’re curious about the open source world or hacked on the kernel back in the 90s, we’d love to see you at PatchMakers.

  • It Really Is Everything

    The beginning of this year was ROUGH. TL;DR POOP But it reminded me that I long ago figured out that the key to survive in this totally whack world is perception. Is the glass half empty or half full? One of the final speeches I will present to earn the Advanced Communicator Silver award is…

  • Why, Hello, 2019

    I blinked awake at three this morning. After going to bed at ten ish. And let’s just say that the early morning of 2019 were not the most ideal way to start the new year. And also let’s just say that this post is about poop. You’ve been warned. As I said, I blinked awake…

  • What Was Your Biggest Lesson From 2018?

    A fellow Toastmaster wrote a piece about her biggest lessons learned in 2018 which I promptly forwarded. #transformation #change But then she turned it around on me. “Thank you for sharing K Rain Leander! Love to know – what was your biggest lesson from 2018?” ~ Sangbreeta Moitra And, yup, I have been mulling over…

  • Gather Round, Kiddies – Mama Has A BedTime Story

    Once upon a time Papa had a wonderful opportunity to work in the Netherlands and Mama could work from anywhere in the world, so the Leander Family moved to Groningen.

  • What Day Is It, Anyway?

    We’re headed into the holiday week and I don’t know what’s going to happen – whether or not routines will be maintained or if publications will happen or if presents will be wrapped – anything’s possible.