Category: Fierce Creature

  • Do All The Things Right Now

    Around this time of year, a few of us are thinking about what we might pledge to do differently in the new year. “Starting next year, I will…” go to the gym regularly eat healthy drop kilos lower body fat get super fit study more programming languages build some apps in said programming languages throw…

  • Exploring All The Local Cafes of Haren

    Okay, so this may seem like more of an advertisement piece, but it’s where I am and that’s more important than maintaining my I Have Totally Not Sold Out reputation. But who are we kidding – I’d totally sell out, given the opportunity. And so would you. Ahem. This post certainly got dark quickly, didn’t…

  • Navigating the Rush Hour

    Back in the States, ‘rush hour’ refers to one of my favourite Jackie Chan movies as well as the hell that is a morning and evening commute to and from work made only slightly less miserable by the sweet soothing sounds of NPR while here in the Netherlands, rush hour TRAFFIC is so lame that…

  • Tea, A Drink With Jam And Bread

    YES, I KNOW IT’S TUESDAY AND I SAID I’D POST ON WEDNESDAY / FRIDAY. DEAL. Cause you should always start a post in all caps, eh? Or start in aggressive American all caps and then switch to stereotypical Canadian politeness, eh? Ahem. We talked about how to figure out your topic, but sometimes you want…

  • But, Wait, Is Extemporaneously Even A Word?

    first of all, let me say, that i LOVE the word ‘extemporaneously’ and now i’m TOTALLY going to google it because it might not even be a real word and i’ve been using it literally for years cause that’s how i roll. “Carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous piano…

  • Who Publishes On Wednesdays, I Mean Come On

    Ideally this posts are written in batches and then scheduled to be published at future dates and times but I’m SO NOT THERE YET. Also? Don’t try to write while also letting the television play if you’re Rain Leander cause you’ll be CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED. I mean, some people can do it? But not I. Focus,…

  • These Titles Are Supposed To Be Short

    The original title of this post was “Wherein Rain Schedules Out The Next Few Weeks of Blogging per Adam DuVander And Then Freaks The Fuck Out (Just a Bit)” but SEO #amirite I’m sitting in my local bakery thinking about three things – routines, writing, and identity and wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what…

  • Figuring This Shit Out

    One of the things I’m Working On Right Now ™ is this whole blogging thing and social media and becoming an influencer and thought leadership and how many more buzz words can I fit into one boring sentence. #CanIGetAnAMEN And part of figuring out some of those things is blogging regularly again, so here we…

  • My Notes From Adam DuVander’s Developer Content Marketing Workshop At DevRelCon London

    I know what you’re thinking right now. “It’s been umpteen weeks since you’ve written on this blog and THIS is what you’re going to write about?!?” Yes, I totally used quotes because THAT is EXACTLY what you’re thinking. Yeah, that’s right, THIS is what I’m writing about – so sit back, buck up, and get…

  • Fighting Acedia: Developing Mental Resilience

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. In the midst of recovery, I bought entirely too many books for self help, distraction, and work. And along the way, I read a lot of Medium and ThoughtCatalog and in…

  • Big Breath In Big Breath Out

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. Needless to say, life is a bit rough right now. There’s a lot going on. But. I’m trying to focus. To take things one day at a time and just keep…

  • Silence Is Golden

    Except when it’s not. TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. Saturday night I went to a party. I haven’t been to a party in… forever? Ten forevers? It’s been a while. And I drank a bit. And…