[Not Broken, Just Heinously Bruised]

Good news!
Those three middle toes on the left foot that I used to fight the stairs and the stairs won?
Not broken.
But first the news:
- Risk of second corona wave if people drop their guard, experts warn
- Nearly a Thousand More Test Positive For COVID-19; Big Increase Over Last Week
- Dutch inspectorate says airlines need to speed up customer refunds
Just horrifically totally bruised.
I’ll take it!

Cause it means I’m back to exercising mostly full out and taking long walks and walking at #Chromatica @LadyGaga pace.
Which is good cause It’s Time To Get MOVIN’!
It’s not so much that I want to be super CUT or SWOL or whatever the kids are calling it these days, but that I want to be able to lift and dance and play with the minions. Right now I can hang for about five minutes before I’m out of breath or exhausted or Just Can’t Even and it’s time to do something about that.
I want to be able to lift the minions for always, even as they grow heavier.
I want to be able to dance with them for always, even as they whirl around the world.
I want to be able to play with them for always, even as they travel through life.
And I want to look great on stage.
Once we’re using stages again.
In the meantime, I’m doing cardio every day that my toes aren’t broken. And strength training twice a week. And tracking my nutrition. And taking baby steps each week to make healthier choices with the guidance of my personal trainer.
This week she’s recommended I choose whole wheat or spelt over white breads, add flaxseed to my morning smoothies and eat a healthy afternoon snack of nuts and fruit.
I’ll let you know how it goes.