Author: rainleander
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Nine]
I’m Kinda Scared To Post This, If I’m Honest
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Eight] This week has been…. fine. I’m fine. The kids are fine. Mostly. The house has not burned down. I’m just as shocked as you are. But first the news: Brussels, MEPs agree compromise deal on EU coronavirus travel permit Many teachers worried about full reopening of secondary…
P!nk + Willow Sage Hart // “Cover Me In Sunshine”
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Seven] Stream / Download // Connect with P!NK:
No Open Source Stream This Morning
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Six] I swear this is coming back SOON but this week I’m taking care of the kids by myself and still onboarding at the new adventure and, well, sometimes a person needs their introvert time more than others. #KnowWhatIMean This week I’m especially focused on getting those steps…
I Have No Follow Up
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Five] I mean, what do you post after Something Like That? Nothing. You post nothing. That’s it. That’s the post.
The Officially Official Big News Is!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Four] We’re definitely moving back to the States. We don’t know timing yet. Or location. But it’s no longer a question of IF but a question of WHEN and WHERE. #SQUEEE #SOBS #INORITE This is incredible news for some and devastating news for others and simultaneously exciting and…
Escape Room: Escape Tales The Awakening Part II
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Three] And here’s Part II!! ! Where we totally don’t finish the game. But I think we got the hang of it. And DanPopNYC totally dropped by and was totally amazed. Also, at the end of the video, I dropped the officially official big news. So if you…
Escape Room Streams!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Two] Yeah, that’s right. #PLURAL I didn’t escape room stream for weeks and weeks then I played the same game two nights in a row. Here’s part one. This is a new brand, Escape Tales, which is a “Story Driven Escape Game”. “an escape room style card game…
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty One] I know I know – so so sorry. #NotSorry It’s a really intense time over here in #LeanderLand these days. And, yeah, still not time for the big reveal, but in the midst of all the chaos, my partner is flying to the States for work. For…
Radio Silent
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty]
To Go
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Nineteen]
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Eighteen]