Author: rainleander
Sure, This Is The Bike Capital Of The World, But
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety Three] What if I just don’t wanna? Also, my titles have gotten rather sloppy lately, hrm? I personally own two or three bikes – a ‘grandma’ bike, a foldable bike for work train trips, and a ‘bakfiets’ for hauling two or more minions around town. I say two…
Binaries Are For Computers
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety Two] That’s it. That’s the whole post. Oke, well, maybe not the WHOLE post – I realize I’ve been short sometimes – REALLY short – but I promise my distractedness is coming to an end soon and I’ll be able to focus again soon. Be able to post…
A Company Wants to Hire You But
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety One] They don’t have a tax entity in the Netherlands. What do you do? The short version is that every single company that extended an offer doesn’t have a tax entity in the Netherlands, so I’m doing a LOT of research on my options / their options for…
Psst. Hey, You.
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety] I love you. That’s it. That’s the whole post.
This Is Staycation #LeanderStyle
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Nine] All day today in Groningen, Netherlands, it hails and then the sun comes out and then it hails and then the sun comes out and then it hails. Super surreal. Kind of like how I am enjoying the next three weeks of staycation. I code and then…
Want To Talk At Tech Conferences Like Me?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Eight] IF your project is open source AND you want to talk with developers, as opposed to companies, then you’re like me. Once you’ve figured out your voice and jumped down the rabbit hole of new experiences, share your adventures by speaking at technical conferences. First, check out…
Call Guinness?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Seven] Over the past four weeks I applied to thirty opportunities – twenty-one companies spoke with me sixty-seven times and six extended offers. How? Besides luck? Good question. But first the news: Family is not tourism: campaigners ask Dutch government to allow non-EU family visits Health Minister tamps…
“Can It Be For One Minute Please?”
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Six] Every night around eight p.m. local time, we tell First Minion it’s time for bed and ever since I can remember since time immemorial he’s replied with a request for just one more minute. Of course, he must’ve learned that at some point because I’m sure he…
I Don’t Think Anyone Noticed, Though
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Five] That feeling when you realize, forty five minutes into the one hour interview, that you forgot to put on your interview scarf and are only wearing your workout clothes. I don’t think I noticeably winced too much? Thankfully they’re your plain black on black workout shirts and…
Do You Have Time Or Money?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Four] If you’re thinking of going the open source route because it’s #FreeAsInBeer take a hard look at your resources and tell me which you have less of – time or money. Because if you have very little money, but plenty of time, then, yes, explore the open…
What Are Your Core Principles? Your Main Values?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Three] I’m asked this one a lot lately and, thankfully, I’ve thought about it quite a bit and even wrote it down. My core principles are to embrace radical transparency and fail often; while I sometimes struggle with one, I’m rather successful with the other. My core values…
If You Can Dream It?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Two] Girl Twin and I went for a walk – she rode her balance bike while I walked. Sometimes she would shoot ahead, letting her legs and the wheels take her faster than my walking gait. “You must run, Mama.” And sometimes I did. But first the news:…