Category: Fierce Creature
What Are You Doing For Thanksgiving, Leander?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Fifty] Planning the twins’ birthday. We celebrated Thanksgiving MAYBE twice before the kids arrived, once after First Minion arrived and not at all since the twins arrived three years ago on 30 November. Which is fine – it wasn’t really our jam before we moved over here anyway except…
Time For Vodka Tonics w/a Twist of Lemon
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Nine] TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. Oke, so remember When Life Hands You Lemons? It’s storytime. But first the news: Christmas options limited as infection rate stabilises, Rutte warns More…
An Obscure Update Because That’s Where We Are
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Eight] I’ve got a LOT going on right now. And I thought I figured everything out on Friday, but then it occurred to me that I can look at my own bills and bank statements and such and … there really was only one missed payment. And I…
Hello, Dance, You Beautiful Siren
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Seven] Yeah, I still hear it. Yesterday I did a five minute arm workout with Dance Accepts Everyone and I’ll admit, DAMN, it felt GOOD. And then today I took a four hour nap in the afternoon. But first the news: Hospital coronavirus patient total dips below 2,000…
I Do Not Recall Those Events, Senator
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Six] It seems that I may have figured out the source of all the confusion, but I won’t know until a few documents arrive and I promise PROMISE to get more specific as soon as this is all resolved. In the meantime, no, I’m not getting much sleep…
Ripped Out Of Bed
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Five] Actually, no, the rumination last night was super intense and I’m not sure how much actual quality sleep I achieved – when the alarm went off this morning, I seriously almost rolled over and snoozed until second alarm. But, see, rumination that keeps you awake all night,…
When Life Hands You Lemons
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Four] Make vodka tonics with a twist of lemon. And invite a friend to join you. But first the news: September corona rules ‘did nothing’ says Van Dissel as cases rise again Some 4,628 more coronavirus infections, but data is incomplete says RIVM A coronavirus Christmas: Uncertainty around…
Look At All The Pretty Colors!! !
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Three] To get an idea of where I am these days, when I woke up in the night with pain behind my eye, before it blossomed into a full blown migraine and after inhaling 1000 mg paracetamol, I thought, “Damnit, is this another level of psychological resistance?” I…
Rain and the Fear of Failure
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Two] Psychological resistance is the phenomenon often encountered in clinical practice in which patients either directly or indirectly exhibit paradoxical opposing behaviours in presumably a clinically initiated push and pull of a change process. While I’m not currently actively involved in a clinical practice, I *AM* working with a…
And Then I Spent The ENTIRE Day In Bed
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty One] Oke, but seriously, I spent ALL of Sunday in bed and I have no idea why except maybe it’s because of the hormones and that only makes sense if you attribute the All The Time Anger to the hormones similar to when we were teenagers and then…
I’d Much Rather Talk About Gaming, Wouldn’t You
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty] I did NOT feel like puking this morning when I woke up, but, sadly, it’s because I woke up from a nightmare. Yay. But first the news: Positive Covid test total rises for third day, hospital admissions fall Rutte confirms some coronavirus rules to be relaxed; Press conference…
But Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Nine] I’ve ripped myself out of bed at five for the past two mornings and while it used to be something that I thoroughly enjoyed – even RELISHED – now I just feel like throwing up. For two days now. Not Cool, Leander. But first the news: Amsterdam…