Category: Fierce Creature
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty
[First! Vlog! EVER!! !] I didn’t actually think I’d get this published today. #OhYeOfLittleFaith
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Nine
[Hellooooooo, GISH!! !] #DamnitMisha
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Seven
[Actually For Realsies Nervous] Like the first time I jumped out of an airplane.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Six
[Taking Time After A Rough Day] And that’s totally okay.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Five
[Today Was Kinda Rough] It started with a call from IT.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Four
[Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut] Did you know we’re about to send another rocket to Mars? @NASAPersevere #CountdownToMARS #NASAsPerseverance #OMGOMGOMG
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Two
[Today I Learned: Self Help Books] I learned a trick. Does this work with all nonfiction books? Rather, with all self help books?
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty One
[Please Note: I Am REALLY Sleep Deprived] I was on my way to bed when I realized I hadn’t blogged and I blog every day and so I’m here and I’m falling asleep as I write.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty
[Poor Old Left] My left leg is NOT great these days. But it’s time to ATTACK.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Nine
[Coming Soon To A YouTube Channel Near YOU!] I’m ludicrously #SQUEEE about the next year.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Eight
[Not Broken, Just Heinously Bruised] Those three middle toes on the left foot that I used to fight the stairs and the stairs won?