Category: Fierce Creature
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Five
Today was an extreme day. A migraine exploded behind one eye. I took meds and went to bed. Slept five hours. Woke up. It was gone. But first the news: What will a 1.5 metre society look like? ‘ZERO CHANCE’ LIFE WILL RETURN TO NORMAL AFTER APR. 28 Dutch companies are to make millions of…
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Four
“Warriors, I can’t thank you enough for all the public and private virtual hugs and words of kindness. You all are the bee’s knees.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Three
I’m in this place where I want to simultaneously do a million things. And nothing. All at once. But first the news: Dutch see apps as key to relaxing lockdown, tracing corona suspects Amsterdam Stock Exchange Rallies on COVID-19 Hopes EU negotiations on corona money suspended • De Jonge: apps new core test policy [Dutch]…
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty Two
“And there’s another side to it. Maybe. Is that maybe the reason I want to hug so badly? Is because WE’RE NOT ALLOWED.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty One
“I’m super tired so I’m keeping this one short and simple, Warriors.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Twenty
“Either I’m adjusting to the new normalcy OR I have lost my mind.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Nineteen
“Are you exhausted? I’m exhausted.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Eighteen
“The silver linings are utterly precious and when we come across one, we stare at it, making it bigger than perhaps it is, because We Have To ™.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventeen
At least I don’t have to think of a new title every day #AMIRITE
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixteen
“There are little signs here and there that I’m cracking up. I started drinking coca-cola instead of sprite. I’m eating candy bars like they’re, well, candy. And when I wake up in the night, I can’t easily go back to sleep.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifteen
“Two WEEKS, Warriors. Is it starting to feel ‘normal’ for you? I think it might be for me? Maybe?”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fourteen
“But also I’m not as depressed today as I was a few days ago when I wrote those dark thoughts. I continue to get better and stabilize. Sure, it’ll get worse, too, but for now I’m enjoying the upswing and figuring out how to minimize the next dip.”