Category: Fierce Creature

  • The Latest Nineteen From The Netherlands

    Some of these points are media based. Some are via via. Some are personal. Take everything with a grain of salt. Or some other idiom.

  • This Was Going To Be The Post And Then I Got An Ocular Migraine Instead

    the Netherlands didn’t have ANY known cases because that’s the cultural norm – if you’re sick in any way, you take paracetamol and wait at least ten days for symptoms to pass. THEN you go to the doctor.

  • Tell On Yourself Then Brag About It

    While I didn’t get a single thing done on that list of three things that I told on myself yesterday, I made progress.

  • FYI – A Is The Oldest Child

    There are always ‘puzzles’ and looming #ToDos on the horizon wearing us down and sticking in the back of the brain and it all boils down to not prioritizing it.

  • And Then BAM! Have Some Depression

    I mean, but, well, it’s kind of understandable. My Grandma Porter died a year ago peacefully in her sleep. She had been in hospice for a few months. It wasn’t a surprise. The memorial was a few days later. I couldn’t make it. I wrote something that my Aunt Julie read for me. Thanks, AJ!…

  • New Habits Are Hard

    There are a few things I consider more important than taking care of someone else – brushing my teeth, showering, sleeping, health, yin yoga, walking outside, exercise, eating, meditation, plenty of english breakfast tea with a ton of milk, and at least one small round of Swedish, Japanese and Dutch every single day.

  • It Pours

    I completely didn’t write yesterday. I remembered, but then I forgot. That’s how it works sometimes. But I wrote today and published not one, but TWO articles. #WhenItRains WAIT Did I just find my hashtag?!? Holy shit! ASIDE: I once heard a podcast wherein the person said that they were asked to sift through all…

  • There are Many Paths – This is Just One

    When choosing to respond to events, both negative or positive, because, yes, it’s a choice – we are not animals driven by instinct, but people with intellect and experience and #CHOICES – when that moment comes, you have infinite choices. Perhaps, yes, you can let emotions drive, resulting in variable reactions and while, yes, I…

  • Have You Heard Of An Ocular Migraine?

    Hey, look I’m writing today, too! Go, me! #FocusLeander An ocular migraine, also known as a visual migraine, is a temporary visual distortion that often begins with a small sparkling, shimmering area that slowly expands outward. The first time it happens, it’s incredibly… #NotCool #WTF #surreal I see a single pixel of … shimmer? Sparkle?…

  • Oh, Hello There, World

    At some point I was writing and posting every single day. Go, me! Because I heard Seth Godin talk about it on NPR or somewhere at some point – to write every day – and it resonated. So I did. Mostly. Except then was hacked. Stripped. No backup.

  • Let’s Get To Know One Another

    I’ve heard of these referred as “Chinese Portrait”, but I can’t find the historical relevance or etymology which makes me think that it doesn’t come from Chinese ancestry at all. Does anyone know?

  • And Now For A Fitness Update!

    I know, I know, I wrote all those secrets and now I’m talking cardio? WTF, Leander. But, see, this is on my mind, TOO, y’all. #FITNESS #CARDIO #PEACE