I totally worked today.
Like, not for Red Hat or the new company, but I organized my wall calendar with upcoming events and worked on a CFP for a virtual event and setting up IRC on my personal laptop and basically nested in my home office.
We’ve already established I’m not very good at this vacation thing anymore.
But first the news:
- Experts warn of ‘second wave’ of corona without stricter contact tracing
- Coronavirus update (May 18): 44.141 confirmed cases
I’m also doing things like figuring out the macOS shortcuts.
I’ve always used Fedora OS or CentOS for work and… I started to say macOS for personal use, but that isn’t the whole truth.

When I was FIRST hired at Red Hat eleven years ago, I was a Windows user at home. Had only ever been a Windows user. As a matter of fact, had been a Windows thin client Support Engineer for a WHILE. My speciality was printing.
ASIDE: Turn it off and turn it back on again really did solve everything.
My partner, though, became a mac user when he went to grad school. And, eventually, when it was time to get my next personal laptop, I switched to mac as well. Because what self respecting Red Hatter uses Windows?!?
These days we’re all using different operating systems and it’s all just fine for open source, so no judgement, but my point is that my personal laptop has been a mac for a WHILE.
Because I pretty much hacked all day every day for my day job, at night, I just used the mac for writing up blog posts, surfing the web, and social medias. Nothing complicated.
When I’d go to workshops on my own time, sure, I’d take the personal mac and code a bit, but also, nothing complicated. I never learned the short cuts. I never really got to know this system as well as I knew Fedora / CentOS / RHEL.
My long winded point is that I played with my mac today.
And I’m forgiving myself because it counts as the technology project, right?
I need to stop feeling guilty for how ‘well’ I’m doing this vacation thing. That’s not how this works. Especially when open source is involved. Oy, now THERE’S a discussion. It’s very easy, especially when your day job is open source, to leave work and keep hacking and then you wonder why you’re burnt out from coding / tinkering / WORKING eighty hours a week.
It’s not sustainable.
I just need to keep a mindset that I’m on vacation.
To hack for a bit if it benefits me personally. And then go for a long walk. And take naps.
Lots of naps.
Because if I spend my entire vacation feeling GUILTY or JUDGING MYSELF for whatever I’m doing, then that’s not a vacation either.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going on a long walk.
After a long nap.
Cause #StayCation2020