Author: rainleander
Lux Aeterna
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Eleven] From Requiem for a Dream composed by Clint Mansell Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,et lux perpetua luceat eis, quia pius es.
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Ten] By the incredible Sarah McLachlan. you’re in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here
Aisling’s Song
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Nine] From The Secret of Kells composed by Bruno Coulais and sung by Christen Mooney. There is nothing in this life but mist,And we will only be alive,for a short time.
Zoe Passed
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Eight] I’m not really ready to write about this. It just happened yesterday. We’re still mourning. I’m sure I’ll be able to write more soon, but for today, I need a moment of silence.
Jetlag Jenny
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Seven] By the Dutch group 45ACIDBABIES. La, la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-laLa, la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Moving Back to the States: Jet Lag
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Six] First of all, Zoe totally came with us to America! And second of all, it’s seven twenty local time in Ypsilanti Michigan United States which means it’s one twenty in the morning back in Haren Groningen Netherlands and OH GOD I’M GOING TO THROW UP FROM EXHAUSTION. But…
God Bless the USA
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Five] Written by Lee Greenwood and sung by her royal majesty Beyonce. From the lakes of MinnesotaTo the hills of TennesseeAcross the plains of TexasFrom sea to shining seaFrom Detroit down to HoustonAnd New York to L.A.
Moving Back to the States: Amsterdam
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Four] Lots of tears. So much sweat. And one train ride later. The twins are NOT sleeping and it’s WELL past their bedtime. #understandable We’re in Amsterdam. But first the news: Dance teacher, holiday firms bring in vaccination requirement More flights with Covid-positive passengers than previously thought: report Coronavirus…
Moving Back to the States: The Movers And STRESS
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Three] The movers came and went and YES there were totally times when I lost my goddamned mind. Besides the movers coming, my second most stressful event about this whole event happened this morning – the entire family had COVID tests. Plus $25k disappeared. But first the news: Coronavirus…
Moving Back to the States: The Last Walk
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Two] This morning I woke up at 0330 because of a panic attack and also because I went to bed at 2130 and also because jet lag is a punk. I struggled to go back to sleep but at four I gave up the ghost, pulled myself out of…
Under Pressure
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred One] By the eternal Queen. Mmm num ba deDum bum ba beDoo buh dum ba beh beh
Moving Back to the States: Packing
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred] Today is all about packing the things that are going on the actual plane with us – things we’ll need short term that we can’t go without for a few days. This is mostly clothing and toiletries for the big people but also ipads and laptops and diapers and…