Category: Dancing Engineer
Let’s Talk About Diversity Scholarships at DevConf.US
This email came to my attention just this morning and the deadline is TODAY so it’s getting posted ASAP. And YUP that means Two Posts On One Day WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE PEOPLE. DevConf.US is a free conference in Boston, MA on August 15-17.
I Seriously Cannot WAIT To Get THERE
I suppose that I should make an introduction of you before simply sending you a blog post, but THAT’S HOW I ROLL. To cut through introductions, I’ll just link to your personal trainer website. And can I also totally recommend a makeover on that thing?
Gypsy Sprinkles Homework
My grandma’s memorial is this afternoon in Alexandria Virginia and my Aunt Julie has agreed to read a small message from me since I can’t be there. Here’s what I wrote. The best part about someone else reading your statement is that you can write whatever you want and they have to read it. Hello,…
Goodbye, Grandma
We will miss Dorothy so much and it’s hard to believe she is gone. We will always cherish memories of her hand drawn Angels that were on every Christmas card, her extensive doll and art collections from around the world (each with its own story), and her famous potato salad and cranberry jello sauce at…
So I Ran Over to Brno And Then
I died. But then I got better. Almost.
No Headaches, Yet, But
In a surreal twist of something, there was a rather large tour from Japan on the ass o’clock in the morning flight from AMS to PRG and most of them spoke not a single word of English, but, somehow, one of them had been assigned to the emergency row right behind me, so when the…
Some Things Bear Repeating
This video came up on my facebook memory feed the other day and I watched it and realized YES YES YES I need to rewatch this about once a year forever and EVER. So take a minute (or four) to watch the whole thing cause #ZOMG #YESSSS And, really, there’s not a lot I can…
Passing The Torch Without Dropping The Ball
And I was like, “That’s cool,” and my boss says it’s cool, everyone said it was cool, except that my uterus said that’s Not Cool because we’re going to have twins now.
I Have An Office!
When we found out we were pregnant with twins, among the plethora of stressors was that we’d need to remodel our house extensively to make it work once said twins were old enough to want their own spaces. This is YEARS in the future, but it was still right there with all the other OMG…
Step Zero: Schedule Your First Event
Whether you’re curious about the open source world or hacked on the kernel back in the 90s, we’d love to see you at PatchMakers.
I’m down in Amsterdam today to visit the DevRel Salon AMS meetup group that’s Parisian Salon meets DevRel action meets AMSTERDAM. I don’t know what that looks like either, so I’m super stoked to find out tonight. And it really is That Cold. I mean, #DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN Also, I’m the special guest at tonight’s meetup. No…
Why, Hello, 2019
I blinked awake at three this morning. After going to bed at ten ish. And let’s just say that the early morning of 2019 were not the most ideal way to start the new year. And also let’s just say that this post is about poop. You’ve been warned. As I said, I blinked awake…