Category: Fierce Creature
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy Five
ARE we still in a lock down? When will you consider it ‘ended’?
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy Four
An optional excerpt meant to entice you to come read the whole post.
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy Three
I never thought I’d be super excited to go work out. But I TOTALLY AM.
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy Two
I keep repeating the same thing over and over and maybe it’ll sink a little bit further into this thick skull, “It’s okay to not be okay.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy One
What Do You See? This year’s birthday was … way better than expected.
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy
“Okay, but seriously, let me know if this helps, Warriors. Again, NOT A GUARANTEE! But if it helps? Awesomeness.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Nine
My birthday is tomorrow. I’m going to give you a present. How I tripled my income. Then maybe you can, too? #NoGuarantees
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Eight
Alt Title: Guess Who’s Back. Back Again. Again.
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Seven
Alt Title: Ow ow OW Remember that time I threw out my back flying from Shanghai to Amsterdam non stop? I did it again. Taking a nap in a chair. Since sitting up and, say, typing, hurts like hell, I’m going to keep this even shorter than yesterday. But first the news: Summer sun draws…
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Six
Today actually FELT like vacation. I don’t know what the other two days felt like, but today felt LAZY. Good Lazy ™ Also, Community is on and it’s very hard to focus. But first the news: Dutch press ahead with easing Covid-19 rules and ramping up testing DUTCH PUSH ANOTHER €13 BILLION INTO CORONAVIRUS BUSINESS…
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Five
Today I had a hair appointment. [SNIP] It didn’t go well. I cried.
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Four
“We’ve already established I’m not very good at this vacation thing anymore.”