Category: Dancing Engineer
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred
[Today Was SO Much Better] Because this, too, has passed.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Nine
[Today Was Not a Good Day] Today’s official title makes that song start in my head like an earworm that won’t die and that sucks because today was NOT a good day. Starting from the moment I woke up.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Seven
[Amplify a Voice: Black America in Crisis by Red Table Talk] I read a request from a person of color to white people – to amplify their voices instead of our own. That resonates. Please read about Red Table Talk and, if you don’t mind Facebook, especially check out Black America in Crisis. If you’d like…
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Six
[This is Juneteenth] How did you celebrate, Warriors?
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Five
[See You Next Year!] Sadly, the recording is not available. Yet.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Four
[But When Do We Stretch?] If you’re here for the dancing, prepare to be disappointed. Agile is not about stretching muscles. Sadly.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Three
[I ReOrganized The Office] To highlight the badass tapestry. But first the news: Mass Covid-19 testing identifies sharp region differences Dutch Economy to Shrink 6%; Second Wave Could Send Unemployment to 10% Dutch job candidates face discrimination based on gender, age and ethnic background You just wanna see the picture, don’t you.
Dutch Lock Down Day Eighty Nine
[This is Our New Reality] I haven’t stopped counting the lock down days because it’s still affecting us here in the Netherlands. And it still will. For a while. But first the news: King’s golden coach under fire as racism debate rages in the Netherlands CALL FOR RACISM ISSUES TO BE TAUGHT AT PRIMARY SCHOOL…
Dutch Lock Down Day Eighty Seven
This is a crowd-sourced list that is open and available to any and all who would like to reference it for scholarship, or for examples of how other organizers are protesting with dance.
Dutch Lock Down Day Eighty Six
[Amplify a Voice: How Long ’til Black Future Month?] @nkjemisin #BlackLivesMatter #NotOneMore