Category: Fierce Creature

  • It’s Called Hope. I Haz It.

    The phrase of the day seems to be ‘in the meantime’ cause i used it repeatedly for the May 2018 RDO Community Newsletter. Well, three times. I used it three times. Thankfully, I have an excellent editor. Okay, a persistent editor. Okay, a LUCKY editor. FINE. I’m the editor. And I’m super lucky that I…

  • Cause We About To Open A Flood

    I haven’t been posting on but I have been trying to write every day. I read about ‘morning pages’ once long ago and incorporated it into my daily practice. And then I stopped. And then I did it again. And then I stopped. It’s definitely been off again on again for years. But since…

  • Get Ready For More Of This Crap

    You can totally tell that I posted yesterday’s post when I was in a groove. Or. You can tell now? And this morning when I woke up at NINE cause I totally SLEPT IN one of the first things I thought was, “Oh, damn, I have to remember to write. And post it.” Damnit. The…

  • Ready to Talk?!? The Science of Presenting Your Research

    Five weeks ago I did a talk for a research group at the local hospital and had an absolute blast. I’m starting to think I might be good at this speaking thing. And this training thing. And other things.

  • Wait Weight Don’t Tell Me

    There are more than a few reasons why I haven’t been posting on here, most importantly, really, is #TWINS. Obviously. And the other thing is that I got out of the habit. Also, obviously. But less obviously is that I’ve been recovering from All The Complications ™ and one of the things that happened is…

  • Adventures in Pregnancy: The Obvious Conclusion

    This story. This event. This thing. THIS HAPPENING. It was big. HUUUUGE. It was fucking awesome cause that’s when the twins arrived and they kicked much ass and it’s taken me all this time, I thought, because the story was really hard. But, why? Why was it really hard to tell? Because I kept waiting…

  • Adventures in Pregnancy: The Final Chapter

    …is coming. I have been in the hospital since Wednesday and, YES, Georg Ulrik and Linnea Genevieve are HERE. On this planet. On 30 November 2017. #HOLYSHIT

  • Adventures in Pregnancy: The Swiss Chards

    We’re actually not QUITE swiss chards – we’re actually thirty-six and six days – solidly at the end of romaine lettuces, but we’re jumping ahead of schedule cause…. *DRUMROLL, PLEASE* We’re inducing tomorrow. In TEN hours. ADBFKNJZBJKNZB.NJZSI.LS/L ZNL DZI;G ;ZD GN ZDN BZ Z SG L!! !

  • Adventures In Pregnancy: The Pea Pods

    Still disturbed by the edibles. Apparently they’re approximately the length of a pea pod at thirteen weeks. Plus we received more information and I COMPLETELY LOST MY MIND. There was howling. There was vomiting. There was much snot. And there was a difficult talk between P and I that Really Needed To Happen ™ and…

  • Adventures In Pregnancy: The Limes

    We’re in shock. But also ecstatic. I’m in a very odd place because, yes, Pontus and I had a long conversation about how many children years ago – TWO – because he had a miserable time as the middle child. And while I would’ve been fine with one, Pontus felt strongly that siblings were vital.…

  • This Is The Weirdest Walk Down Memory Lane EVAR

    what is even happening right now. we’re having twins. TWINS. TWIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSS. also i totally replied to an email: You just HAPPEN to write when our family has the biggest news EVAR, hrm? There must be a psychic connection. Or you’ve hacked my web cams. Obviously both. So we found out today that we’re having TWINS.…

  • What Scares You?

    Tonight at Toastmasters Groningen I talked about how a fear of heights led me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Twice. And one of the points of my kickass speech evaluator was that I needed to incorporate more facts. Which is true. I am *really* good at telling a story. At leveraging emotions. At entertaining. And…