Category: Fierce Creature
Welcome to 750 words!
Hello, K Rain Leander! You’ve just taken the first step towards becoming a daily writer! Here are a couple quick tips to help you get started:
Zork and Adventures
This is an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here. A rubber mat saying ‘Welcome to Zork!’ lies by the door. > open mailbox You open the mailbox, revealing a small leaflet. > read leaflet (first taking the small leaflet) WELCOME TO ZORK
Hello, Hi, I am speaking at DjangoCon US
That’s right, Folks. You heard it hear first. Unless you follow me on twitter and don’t have so much in your following list that you saw my really quick announcement that… You heard it here first, folks. I am speaking at @djangocon US in September! #cantwait #omgomgomg — K Rain Leander (@rainleander) June 2, 2015 I’M TALKING AT DJANGOCON US…
Without Further Ado, I Present
The unforgettable. The enduring. The story that made us all want to be singers. At least in the shower. The EPIC. The INCREDIBLE.
TL;DR Summaries of Leveraging Procedural Knowledge
I know I know yesterday’s post was LONG. You can skip through the slides quickly, but they’re a bit confusing because I don’t really know how to use slides (YET!) and just post highlights there – clues to keep me informed about what comes next rather than my speech verbatim. Better yet, you can read…
My PyGrunn 2015 Tech Talk – Leveraging Procedural Knowledge
PyGrunn 2015 Slides Leveraging Procedural Knowledge ONE Hello. I’m Rain. I encourage you to send your comments, feedback, and snide remarks to my twitter handle @rainsdance during the course of this presentation. I am a Technical Account Manager with Red Hat and I know a lot about a few specific technologies, I am a django…
Narrowing Down the Brand Already
After sleeping on it for one night I realize I can define myself even more simply – with only “Dancing Engineer” and “Fierce Mama” – because feminist and baker and public speaker are not as much part of my soul. MY SOUL. Do you hear the angelic choir? DO YOU?!? [ appearance –> customize –>…
Jack Of All Trades Master Of None
Part of the relaunch of this site is in an attempt to brand myself. Not so much in the cattle branding way, but ala Red Hat’s fedora or Twitter’s bird. And, sure, it’s not common for individuals to have a brand. Or maybe it is. But I haven’t done it. Until now. Queue dramatic music.
A Few Proposed Team Building Activities
A little roleplay. A little something to eat. Mebbe gluten-free. Mebbe sugar-free.
Kermis the Frog
I really must learn to make these myself and I’m sure it’s something quite simple like: 1. melt chocolate 2. dip cold fruit in chocolate 3. resist eating fruit until chocolate can harden 4. eat chocolate covered fruit
I am speaking at PyGrunn 22 May 2015 – COME LISTEN
If you’re in #Groningen and want to leverage procedural knowledge to learn your next language – come check me out @PyGrunn on May 22nd! “What is procedural knowledge and why would I want to leverage it?” I’M GLAD YOU ASKED
Under Construction
Sorry for the mess. Blah blah blah insert witticism about rebuilding and re-branding and re other stuffs. (Add a humbling brag of awesome.) Got your towel? Then don’t panic. I’ll be back soon. EDIT: And we’re back!