Category: Speaker
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Seven
[Actually For Realsies Nervous] Like the first time I jumped out of an airplane.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Eight
[Not Broken, Just Heinously Bruised] Those three middle toes on the left foot that I used to fight the stairs and the stairs won?
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Two
[Podcasts and Streaming and Tech Talks, Oh MY] It’s been a busy couple of weeks and a few projects I’ve been involved in are publishing the recordings.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Five
[See You Next Year!] Sadly, the recording is not available. Yet.
Dutch Lock Down Day Eighty Eight
And instead of catching up on sleep for the past two nights, I’ve gotten the same amount of sleep each night, so it’s not even nine and I’m falling asleep on the couch and I’m so totally not surprised.
Dutch Lock Down Day Seventy Three
I never thought I’d be super excited to go work out. But I TOTALLY AM.
Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Four
“We’ve already established I’m not very good at this vacation thing anymore.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Fifty Three
“Alternative Title: So Long Farewell Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye”
Dutch Lock Down Day Forty Four