Tag: health

  • Only Counts In Horseshoes And Hand Grenades

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Six] ALMOST is one of those words that I really despise and also can’t help using. This morning I ALMOST stayed in bed all day – at nine this morning, when my partner and I have an agreement – that we’ll get downstairs by nine when it’s our…

  • On The First Day of Vacation, My True Love Gave to Me

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Four] A super decadent chocolate brownie with cream cheese icing. #HeKnowsMe I’m on vacation until 04 January, so this whole Twelve Days of Christmas theme won’t last, but it’s on my mind Right Now as Boy Twin fusses from his room, resisting this whole sleep thing because he…

  • Full Lock Down in the Netherlands

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy One] I was not okay. And then I was okay. And then I had a panic attack. And I’m okay again. For now. But first the news: Coronavirus in the Netherlands: some of your questions answered Coronavirus rolling average rises again despite incomplete data The wait is over:…

  • All I Want For Xmas Is You

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy] Now that it’s stuck in your head, here’s the video: You’re welcome. But first the news: Ministers meet to discuss shop closures, possible New Year curfew Dutch PM to address the nation on Covid developments tonight Surge in flight tickets around Christmas, despite negative travel advice But seriously,…

  • Current Mood: Hopeful

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Seven] Weird, right? But first the news: Postive coronavirus cases continue to go up, hospital admissions rise slightly Schiphol, KLM begin preparations to transport & store Covid vaccines Plans to vaccinate majority of Dutch population by June 2021

  • Brr It’s Cold In Here

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Six] Yesterday it was three degrees. Today it’s one. ONE. And it FEELS even colder. But first the news: New coronavirus infections spike at nearly 8,800, well above weekly average Non-EU citizens must present negative Covid tests at Dutch borders from Tuesday Coronavirus Christmas bonus for supermarket workers…

  • Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken Sometimes

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Fifty Eight] You absolutely may not run into the street without looking both ways. And you may not cross the street without holding a grown-up’s hand. And you absolutely must not panic and break all those rules when you see a spider the size of your FACE. GIRL TWIN.…

  • Now Where Is My Turkey?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Fifty Two] Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia, and the sub-national entities Leiden, Norfolk Island, and the inhabited territories of the United States. It began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding…

  • Time For Vodka Tonics w/a Twist of Lemon

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Nine] TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. Oke, so remember When Life Hands You Lemons? It’s storytime. But first the news: Christmas options limited as infection rate stabilises, Rutte warns More…

  • Hello, Dance, You Beautiful Siren

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Seven] Yeah, I still hear it. Yesterday I did a five minute arm workout with Dance Accepts Everyone and I’ll admit, DAMN, it felt GOOD. And then today I took a four hour nap in the afternoon. But first the news: Hospital coronavirus patient total dips below 2,000…

  • I Do Not Recall Those Events, Senator

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Six] It seems that I may have figured out the source of all the confusion, but I won’t know until a few documents arrive and I promise PROMISE to get more specific as soon as this is all resolved. In the meantime, no, I’m not getting much sleep…

  • When Life Hands You Lemons

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Forty Four] Make vodka tonics with a twist of lemon. And invite a friend to join you. But first the news: September corona rules ‘did nothing’ says Van Dissel as cases rise again Some 4,628 more coronavirus infections, but data is incomplete says RIVM A coronavirus Christmas: Uncertainty around…