Author: rainleander

  • No, Like a LOT

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Twenty Two] #StillSorryNotSorry

  • Expect a LOT of Music Posts While I Catch Up

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Twenty One] #SorryNotSorry

  • Floating Through Space

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Twenty] By Sia and David Guetta from the atrocious movie Music. 24/7 and 365You made another day, made it alive

  • Someday

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Nineteen] From the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack performed by the incredible All 4 One. Someday life will be fairerNeed will be rarerAnd greed will not payGod speed this bright millennium on its wayAnd let it come someday

  • What Is This Magic?!?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Eighteen] Apparently complaining about JetPack and / or WordPress means that things will magically be fix in the night? Maybe? But, yegads, I’ve got days and days and days of posts to catch up on, eh? #PleaseHold

  • Breathe Me

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Seventeen] By the hidden Sia. Be my friend, hold meWrap me up, enfold meI am small and needyWarm me up and breathe me

  • When In Rome?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Sixteen] I love this phrase and, seriously, it’s not THAT funny when you’re actually IN Rome, saying it about EVERYTHING until you come a cross someone shitting by the side of the path in a public park. Then it’s HILARIOUS. Ever since moving back to the States, it’s woken…

  • “How Often Do You Speak Dutch?”

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifteen] All. The. Time. A friend of mine asked this question the other day. (Hi, H!) Me: I pause before I open my mouth to answer a LOTH: Um.. How do you say.. M…Me: Exactly. Especially with strangersH: You DID come from the US, right?Me: *SIGH* Today, for example,…

  • Confusion

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fourteen] By the incredible Electric Light Orchestra. ConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusionConfusion

  • Vegetables? As a Closing? What?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Thirteen] If you read “yesterday’s” post all the way to the end you may have noticed that I closed it with “Vegetables”. It’s a Dutch Thing. Sort of. More of a Rain Thing. But first the news: Two military personnel banned from foreign tours for refusing vaccine Lower immunity…

  • Groningen Emigration and De-Registration

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Twelve] I’m still not ready to talk about Zoe but I’m ready to talk about other things. Like how we just emigrated from the Netherlands and deregistered. But first the news: Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know (August 13) Access testing will no longer be free…

  • Lux Aeterna

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Eleven] From Requiem for a Dream composed by Clint Mansell Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,et lux perpetua luceat eis, quia pius es.