Category: Fierce Creature
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Seven
[A Coding Experiment at] Did you know you can create a website directly from a GitHub repository? For FREE?
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Six
[And Then I Broke Some Toes] I know, right? But first the news: Trust in politics and institutions rose during corona, but new prejudice could remain Dutch need to teach more on colonial and slave trading history Amsterdam’s Red Light District Closed Due to Overcrowding The good news is that the stomach thing seems to…
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Five
[Not Feeling Well, Warriors] Hopefully it’s just a one day thing.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Two
[I Can’t Even Think Of A Title] Or something.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Eighteen
[Happy Saturday Night, Warriors]
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventeen
[This is Madness] Can you tell I’m watching Thor: Ragnarok?
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifteen
[Bait And SWITCH] It’s past my bedtime, I’m icing my knee, and I JUST remembered that I still need to post. And I didn’t take pictures of the office today. But first the news: Corona law to be watered down after criticism of draconian measures 40% OF NL RESIDENTS HESITANT ABOUT EVENTUAL CORONAVIRUS VACCINE Dutch…