Category: Dancing Engineer
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventeen
[This is Madness] Can you tell I’m watching Thor: Ragnarok?
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Eleven
[I Forgot To Mention The Dizziness] Yesterday, I mean.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Nine
[The Dutch Government Won’t Apologize for Slavery] I’m really not impressed with the Netherlands today.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Eight
[Oh, OW] Around the end of May 2018 this site was hacked and since I had poured my heart and soul into it and had six month old baby twins and NO BACKUP, I let it go. Sort of. I rebuilt the site, started writing again and kept… stopping. Cause MAN that hurt to be…
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seven
[HOW do you manage to write pretty much every day?] I write every day so that I can write every day. Because of Seth Godin. But first the news: Senate backs giving Dutch nationals in Britain dual nationality rights EU To Let In More Tourists As Dutch Restrictions Ease; US Still Not Permitted EU releases…
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Six
[Amplify a Voice: David Jones and Kimberly Jones] On Saturday May 30th filmmaker and photographer David Jones of David Jones Media felt compelled to go out and serve the community in some way. He decided to use his art to try and explain the events that were currently impacting our lives.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Five
[Conversations with Fellow Warriors] A close friend reached out last week to talk strategy and ask questions and have difficult conversations. I asked if I could post it anonymously and they gave permission. I also have things I would add to these answers / things I wrote since I took the Introduction to Being an…
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Four
[This Was Going to Be a Longer Informative Post But #BlameMary] My brain is mush.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Two
[Podcasts and Streaming and Tech Talks, Oh MY] It’s been a busy couple of weeks and a few projects I’ve been involved in are publishing the recordings.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred One
[These Titles Are Getting a Bit Long] In case you didn’t notice yesterday – we’ve hit the one hundred days of lock down. And then. Ow.