Category: Fierce Creature

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Thirteen

    “I’m doing much better now. Whether it was because I hit a ‘bottom’ or that the funeral is passed or because it’s such a gorgeous sunny day out, I managed to get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and do a little work.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Twelve

    “So, yeah, today SUCKED, but now that the funeral is over and that stressor is passed and, yeah, I totally took my temperature and it’s 36.5.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Eleven

    “There were a LOT of stores that shut down, moved inventory COMPLETELY out and had a sign on the door. The stores that remain open have truncated hours and RULES on the doors.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Ten

    “…this Saturday we were supposed to attend my grandma’s funeral….”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Nine

    “I had to pull up the last post to see what today’s title is cause that’s where we are now. I’m only surprised it took nine days and not, say, three.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Seven

    We’ve been doing this a whole week, Warriors. One week ago today the Dutch government decided to close down almost everything – schools, daycares, cafes, restaurants, sex clubs, cannabis cafes, saunas and sports clubs. I wrote about the latest nineteen in the Netherlands. It didn’t really seem real. We survived working with two partners and…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Six

    Something’s wrong with the bread maker and things aren’t rising quite as much as they used to and if that isn’t just a metaphor for the new reality, I don’t know what is.

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Five

    We’ve abandoned our trip south as Spain and Italy lie in transit and the planes lie dormant in the hangar. This satire / sarcasm / alt-world section is REALLY difficult to write when The Cabin In The Woods is playing in the background. I think part of the reason why I’ve always found horror movies…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Four

    Dutch Lock Down Day Four “We’ve sold the house, the car, and all but the essentials and are moving to an undisclosed island on the equator to wait this out.”

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Three

    All the other days I did this style report, I started out with a ‘joke’ report but, really, I can’t even. Here’s the State of the Leander Union Address, y’all. My partner and I are sharing my office while the three kids have a sort of schedule that includes some academic, creative, and outdoor time…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day Two

    The partner went out for a cup of sugar. Three hours ago. May never see him again. Girl twin has thrown a coup against her older brother and now rules the house under her tiny thumb with Barbapapa playing #AllTheTime and #AbsolutelyNoBroccoli MAMA. Boy twin refuses to NOT splash in the tub no matter how…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day One

    I haven’t seen my partner in seventeen hours. I think the natives voted him off the island. Or ate him.